Trading foreign exchange markets can often feel like picking a winner at the Masters: you try to execute on a general opinion only to be met with a whole mess...
Most people like talking about a good outlier story: Can you believe bitcoin is up over 1,000% since the start of 2019? Did you see WTI crude oil futures went...
You can compute a mean and standard deviation for any market, but how do you know if it reverts to that mean? Learn the whole process from computing the mean...
The market is like Katy Perry, hot and then cold. How do you trade in this kind of environment? Read Do You Even Pairs Trade? from our weekly Newsletter Lite...
Every so often a market reaches an inflection point, and traders ask themselves: is this a flash in the pan or is the landscape actually changing? Examples...
The US dollar market is kinda like GameStop stock (bear with me for a second). Both markets rallied off historical lows to start 2021, fell back to those lows...
Technical analysis finds its way into almost every trader's strategy - all the way from market makers to the self-directed investor. Watch Technical Analysis -...
In the rush to find the next hot product filed under the much-memed acronym NFT, many traders are passing up the old classics - gold and silver. While they may...
While “The Steepening” may sound like a Hollywood-produced thriller wherein an animated monster made of tea leaves terrorizes some unassuming small town, it’s...
Small 2YR Treasury Yield (S2Y), Small 10YR Treasury Yield (S10Y), and Small 30YR Treasury Yield (S30Y) futures are here and available for trading right now!...
The Fed primarily controls interest rates, which they move higher in times of inflation and lower in times of recession. But what do they do when there's fear...
High inflation is causing some of the largest price extremes, bond and forex markets have seen in decades. Mike and Frank show you how high inflation has...
The highest inflation measure in more than 40 years has left many markets in utter disarray: Nasdaq is at its lowest since 2020, interest rates are their...
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The Small Exchange, Inc. (a CFTC-registered Designated Contract Market) and tastytrade, Inc. are separate but affiliated companies and subsidiaries of IG US Holdings, Inc.